Shawlands Bike Bus

Free Cycling Sessions Starting 24th May

by Katherine

Maybe you've seen the bike bus roll into the school playground on a Friday morning, or maybe you've hear about it through the chatter of school kids. Shawlands Bike Bus has been running weekly since October 2021. It has grown and evolved through each term - but we want every child (and their adult) to have the chance to cycle to school.

You may have recently seen some of the bike bus organisers pop up at parents evenings and school fairs - we've been listening to you and learning what the barriers are to cycling and to joining the brilliant bike bus.

We're delighted to be launching together with Women on Wheels, free cycling sessions for interested families to gain skills and confidence in order to cycle together as part of the bike bus.

The course will run weekly from 24th May until the last week of term, ending in a celebratory cycle ride and picnic.

Have you seen or heard about the bike bus but not joined because...

Whatever it is, we want to help you to join the bike bus!

If you're interested, you can contact us on 07927357140 or mentioning "Shawlands Bike Bus'

Also, if you spot one of the bike bus adults in the playground (we often wear high vis!) wave us down and we can chat some more about the course.

For more info on cycling confidence, you can also visit